Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 18 Update: Fork in the road, not in the pie!

HI Everyone,

This past week has been a very interesting one and overall I would say a success even if the scale doesn't agree. I was up 1.1 pounds this morning and very surprised by that. I was expecting a moderate loss, maybe the 1.6 pounds I had put on the week before and a little extra. Definitely wasn't expecting to be up but it happened for a reason. There is a lesson to be learnt from this I am sure.

Let me tell you about my week last week. I started applying the concepts of Intuitive Eating. I was listening to my body and making choices that served me in that moment. I actually felt very peaceful (for lack of a better term) the whole week. On Saturday I even remarked to my husband "Even if I am not down a lot this week, I feel happy knowing that I really listened to what my body needed and made good choices". That was Saturday, on Sunday the weigh-in stress started kicking in and Jon and I fought like cats and dogs all day. By the end of the day, I was feeling really anxious about the next morning. Woke up this morning, went to weigh-in and was up a piddly 1.1 pounds. I felt like I was going to cry.  As I was standing there, fighting back the tears and knowing I had spent the week prior making good choices for myself, the gal who weighed me in passed me a tracker. She said to track on paper the next week so my leader could tell me what I was doing wrong next Monday. That is so opposite of where my head is at right now, so completely opposite. Of course she was just offering a suggestion to try to help but it highlighted the importance of me moving forward with this intuitive eating.  I need to get to a place where a weigh-in doesn't unravel me emotionally and overshadow all of the good that happened leading up to it. That place is not within the walls of Weight Watchers. I think I have come to this conclusion. It is a great program for some but for me it is detrimental to where I am at right now.

So whats my next step? Keep working the principles of IE and deciding how I am going to measure my success. Part of me wants to weigh daily. It seems counter intuitive but  removing that weekly anticipation might be a very good thing for me. Another part of me thinks I should weigh-in every 2 weeks and measure my waist circumference on the off weeks. Regardless of the scale, I need to learn to focus more on the NSV "Non-scale victories" like how great I felt last week. I am a much healthier and happier woman than I was 4 months ago and I know I will be even healthier and happier 4 months from now. It is a process and for me, one of trial and error. Most importantly, I feel like I am heading in the right direction.  I mean how can getting in tune with your body be wrong?

1 comment:

  1. How are you doing Louise? I have been keeping up. I am quite sure we will go for a coffee when this is all done and we can compare notes :)
