Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 21 Update: Non Scale Victories

Well I haven't posted my weekly update in a few weeks, partially because I have been so busy, partially because the scale can suck it. Mostly the last part. Since throwing in the Weight Watchers towel I have put on about 4 pounds. Not the end of the world but not a good thing of course.

Our lives have been super hectic lately and our eating has suffered big time. We had company a few weekends ago and then during the long weekend a friend in need  moved in with us. Add onto that work stress and my whole "intuitive eating" goal got pushed aside. I still think it is the right way, I just have to start living the principles. That means approaching every meal with my head on straight  and not all wrapped up in the drama of the moment. A tall order? For sure! Impossible? Not at all, people do it all the time!

Even though I am up 4 pounds, I am feeling victorious in other areas. I did some yoga on the weekend with a few girlfriends and really enjoyed it. In fact, I am going to join a yoga studio and start doing it regularly. I think it will really help to strengthen my body (I am still hurting today!) as well as give me a tool to deal with my stress.

I also posted a few weeks ago about getting in touch with my health. I truly believe that if I start to take care of some of the health concerns I have, the weight will start to take care of itself. The first step for me was getting my allergies tested and the results were surprising. Now I know that allergies aren't underlying a lot of my concerns. Today I am beginning a 3 week "digestive reset" prescribed by my Naturopathic Doctor. This involves going grain free and low carb. These dietary guidelines, along with some specific supplements, will help to heal my digestive tract. Interestingly enough, I work for a digestive care company. I know that a healthy digestive tract is the basis of good health and I felt as though my digestive tract was in good order. I was wrong. Apparently my tests showed a severe deficiency in pancreatic enzymes and some issues in my small intestine. So I begin this next 3 weeks of low carb with the intention of healing my gut not losing it. This is the first time in my life I have truly made a dietary change to better my health and not lose weight. This shows me that my mindset must be shifting ever so slowly.

The last victory I had was during my therapy session and it was about letting go of the urgency. I approach life with a certain sense of urgency and this blog is a testament to that. 100 pounds in 2013 is a lofty goal! With each week that passed where I didn't lose any or enough weight, I would get more and more stressed out. In my mind, failure wasn't an option but success was getting less probable and that fight was draining my energy all the time. The idea of coming up to December 31st and failing in such a public way was terrifying and then my therapist asked "So what? What will really happen if you don't lose 100 pounds this year?" This gave me pause. I will be disappointed but I will still be in a better place than I was December 31st of last year. My friends will still be my friends. My husband will still be proud of me. My son will still think I am the best momma in the world. What a relief! This doesn't mean that my goal has changed. I still plan on losing 100 pounds in 2013 but it means that the world won't end if I only lose 60! Leave you with this powerful quote :)

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