Saturday, April 27, 2013


One of the promises that I made to myself when I started this journey almost 4 month's ago is that I would stay the course. I wouldn't get impatient and start playing with the program. I wouldn't "tweak" things all the time. Well this last month I have been tweaking out....tweaking out BIG time.

When I talk about tweaking things I am talking about making small changes in hopes that they will lead to big results. All they usually do is distract me and take me off course. They also lead to a lot of disappointment when the result is not what I wished for. Why do I do it then? Well, I am not quite sure to be honest. A big part of it is my impatience and boredom with the mundane. Following a "diet" gets bland. It gets tedious. This is why most people only last on a diet for a short period of time. The long term payoff is rarely as rewarding as the short term temptation. Another reason why I tweak things is to make it my "own" program. Something I played a part in creating. This goes back to my desire to be the fat nutritionist who fixes her problems, writes a New York Times best-seller and helps millions of people get healthy. Pipe dream? Perhaps but it is my pipe dream.

So when this impatience or my delusions of grandeur take over, I start making little changes. Here are the tweaks I have done so far since I started Weight Watchers on January 1st, 2013:
  1. Gluten-free
  2. Gluten-free and low carb
  3. Low carb after noon each day
  4. Bullet-proof coffee (this is basically coconut blended into your coffee instead of cream) for breakfast instead of a meal
  5. 3 Day juice fast
These are the tweaks I have considered but not jumped on (yet):
  1. Replacing 2 meals per day with a Vegan shake
  2. 21 day raw food cleanse
  3. Dairy Free
  4. Intermittent fasting (meaning I only eat between noon and 7pm each day)
  5. 100% sugar free
This list is quite embarrassing to be honest because I know the answer to my weight loss success doesn't lie in any of these tweaks. It doesn't even lie in Weight Watchers. The weight will come off for good when I start honouring my body by feeding it healthy foods and being happy. I am a NUTRITIONIST for f#$k sake. I know better, I just struggle with doing better. I am way off course but I am aware of it and I think that is half the battle. Time to start honouring my body, honouring my mind and honouring my commitment to myself. I need to get a hold of myself and stop tweaking out.

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious! I tried them all too! Minus the juicing - I could not bring myself to this for may reasons. Would be fun to see what happens now after all the lessons learned...
