Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 11 update: Slooooooow and steady wins the race?

Well it is Monday and of course, weigh-in day. I was a little concerned about the scale this week. I just didn’t feel like I had lost anything and I barely did; - 0.6 pounds which is better than nothing I suppose. I want to be down 30 pounds by my birthday April 1st so I have 2 weeks to lose 3.4 pounds. Fingers crossed.
Jon and I have been doing a candida cleanse since March 1st. He is finishing today and I am going to continue on for another 15 days at least. He did amazing, it is not an easy process to undergo but in 3 weeks he lost 10 pounds! Way to go hon, proud of you!
I just wanted to send a big congrats to all of you my friends and followers of the blog that are experiencing their own successes. Weight loss, quitting smoking, getting out of debt…so much inspiration! It keeps me trucking when I am feeling like giving up so thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.


  1. I have to admit, you were not just an inspiration for me to try quitting smoking but 100% my inspiration to blog about it, so thank you!! And you are doing amazing!!

    1. ....and a big CONGRATULATIONS to both of you.... "dun good"!!....oh and Jon too!

    2. Congrats to both of you! Louise, it's such a great blog! :) (Michelle from Above Average Consignments)
