Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A little about me.....

Welcome to my blog where I publicly declare my intention to lose 100 pounds next year. Am I crazy? LIKE A FOX but that is besides the point. I have reached a crossroad in my life where I have to take some drastic steps to make some dramatic changes. This is one of those steps.

My name is Louise and I've had a lifelong battle with my weight. I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds in my 36 years but have never managed to lose 100 pounds in one shot. The year before I had my son I lost 94 pound and then got preggers. Did I gain it back? Even with the best intentions to only put on 20 pounds during my pregnancy, I managed to gain all but 40 pounds back. Am I disappointed in myself? Hell yeah. Is it time to move on? You bet!

I can't remember a time when I wasn't heavy. My weight has never held me back in relationships or my career but I am feeling now that it is holding me back in living the life I desire. Not only for myself but for my son and husband. I want to learn to downhill ski without the fear of taking out a whole group of tourists as I barrel down the hill. I want to go on a tropical vacation and actually wear a bathing suit instead of the equivalent to an Amish swimming dress! I just want to live day to day without having to think about my weight...it is exhausting!

Do I know what to do to lose it? Why yes, yes I do. In fact I am a nutritionist, albeit a fat one. I decided to study Applied Human Nutrition at University of Guelph. Just like the crazy dude who goes into Psychiatry, I wanted to solve my own problems. Did I figure them out? NO because weight issues are far more than what you eat. But I did gain a lot of insights into how the human body works and what we SHOULD be feeding it to perform optimally. Sadly it is not apple fritters and coffee. Apparently, an apple fritter a day does NOT keep the doctor away!

So my intention with this blog is 3 fold.
  1. I want to build more accountability into my life. I figure if my friends, family and complete strangers are rooting for me I will not want to let them down. I am also fiercely proud so putting this journey out for all to see will encourage me to stay the course.
  2. I want to practice what I preach. I have spent the last 15 years of my life helping other people reach their health goals. I hate to call myself hypocritical but I guess that is exactly what I have been. I work for a company that produces some of the  finest supplements available and with people who ooze health and wellness, it is a great team. I want to be a shining example of what we stand for instead of a "before" photo on one of our testimonials!
  3. I want to educate and inspire other people who are on the same journey as I am. If I can help just one other person make a positive change, then it is all worth it.
I really hope you will follow along. It may not always be pretty but I guarantee it will be educational and maybe even fun. As 2012 draws to a close, I will spend some time blogging about how I got to this point (and most likely eating way too many Christmas sweets). Come January 1st 2013 I will hit the ground running with my plan to finally lose 100 pounds, safely and for good.

I am excited, terrified, already regretting but also looking forward to this next adventure. Thanks in advance for your support and encouragement. Let the games begin!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  3. I think "Nazis" should have a capital "N".

  4. hi Louise, Jon's cousin Carrie here. sending love and support your way. i would be honoured to follow your journey and hopefully some inspiration as well. 30 lbs gone wouldn't hurt.


  5. Good for you Louise - making it public definitely encourages accountability. I'd be happy to tag along as I continue my healthy me campaign and get a handle on the emotional baggage that is tied to my life long weight issues! :)
