Monday, December 31, 2012

Goal Setting 101

OK people, change of plans! I am going to refocus my efforts from losing weight to getting taller. Off to the medieval stretching racks I go. That HAS to be easier than dieting right??Joking of course but sometimes it seems anything is easier than dieting.

DIET. I am trying to actually remove the term from my vocabulary but it is pretty deeply ingrained. I have lived a life of one diet after another. I just want to learn to eat like a "normal" person (whatever the hell that means!). Getting a handle on my relationship with food is definitely one of my goals during this process, one of many goals. This post is going to look at how to set goals and then I will set my intentions for 2013.

Most successful people in the world know what they want and they have a plan to get it. Goal setting is consistent trait among top achievers especially with regards to fitness and business. It makes sense right? You are training for a marathon, you have milestones or things you need to accomplish to get there. You see yourself finishing that race but there is a process of training to get to that finish line.

In my professional life, I have always been a goal setter and it has led to a lot of success for me. For 10 years I worked in Sales and if I didn't have goals or quotas, I would have nothing to strive for. But I have never consistently done goal setting in my personal life. Sure, I have set goals on New Years Eve to get in shape and have more fun etc. But I have never truly set goals in writing and kept them in the forefront of my mind.

One of my favorite business gurus is Brian Tracy. He talks a lot about the process of goal setting in all of his books on sales and self improvement. Being that I want to be a top achiever now for my health, I am going to use the tools he sets out to set some goals for myself and I will share those tips with you.

    1. Goals must be PRESENT, PERSONAL and POSITIVE. So for example, "I am smoke-free" is better than "Quit smoking".
    2. Goals must be measurable and have a time line: "I am smoke-free by November 2nd, 2013"
Goals are 100 times more effective if written down and 1000 times more effective if rewritten every day. Have a book by your bed or on your desk that you write and rewrite your goals in everyday.
Goals are very personal and some people may decide to keep them private but sometimes sharing those goals creates a sense of accountability. I have shared with you my goal to lose 100 pounds, now I need to make it personal, positive and present to make it really effective. I also like to add an element of emotion or excitement to a goal. I feel the more excitement you can put behind a goal, the more drive you will have to accomplish it. That would look something like:
"I am 100 pounds lighter by December 31, 2013 and I feel full of energy and joy"
There is my main goal for 2013, that is my ultimate 1 year goal. But I believe in setting smaller, monthly goals as well. I have decided my monthly goals will not be about a number on the scale but rather about the process of getting to my ultimate goal of releasing 100 pounds. I also believe in setting a stretch goal that you keep in the back of your mind. For me, that stretch goal is to actually lose 120 pounds which would take me to a weight I haven't seen since Grade 6. So I am going to alter my main goal slightly to say:
"I am 100 or more pounds lighter by December 31, 2013 and I feel full of energy and joy"
You might be wondering why I didn't just set my goal to be 120 pounds. A stretch goal is just that, a stretch. It is very difficult to consistently lose 10 pounds a month and I know that. Although I feel like I could definitely lose 8.3 pounds which would get me to my goal. It is about setting a high standard but realistic enough to reach. I certainly don't want to limit myself to 100 pounds off but I don't want to be disappointed if I don't reach that stretch goal of 120.
Now to set my January goals:
"I walk a little bit further every day in January enjoying the crisp fresh air"
"I drink 3 litres of pure, clean water every day in January to replenish my body"
"I write my goals down every day in January and visualize my life as a healthy, new woman"
"I cleanse my body of toxins in January to start the year off fresh"
That should get me started!I have seen the power of setting goals in my career now I am going to harness that power and apply it to my health. I hope these tips help you be able to do the same if you so choose. Tomorrow I will get into the nitty gritty of why I chose the plan I did, what that plan is and any supplements I will be incorporating. I wish you all a very safe and fun New Years Eve and a fresh start for all tomorrow!

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