Sunday, December 23, 2012

"Exercise" the demons

Dear Exercise,

I don't like you, you don't like me. It is kind of this arrangement we've had for awhile now. You make me sweaty, sore and frankly, I would rather be spending time doing other things. The problem is that I think I kind of need you in my life going forward. I know, I know! I am not happy about it either but I guess we had better suck it up and get on with it!

See you January 1st.

You know those people who love exercise? I am not one of those people. I used to be one of those people a LONGTIME ago but my shadow hasn't darkened the door of a gym in about 10 years. I hope to become one of those people again but right now, I am not.

So what happened? I can give you any number of excuses: sore knee, bad back, long work hours, etc. But the truth is, exercise dropped off my priority list many moons ago. We just moved to Oakville a few months ago and one thing I have noticed is the inordinate number of joggers. I look at these people, running rain or shine, and I am inspired. Not inspired enough to get off my ass but certainly inspired to think about it! Now I am not crazy enough to think that January 1st I am going to wake up, slip on my runners and go for a jog. If I did you would find me about 4 houses down with a wicked cramp and maybe even a slight cardiac arrest. But I am going to get up and start walking and every day I am going to walk a little further.

I chose to name this post "Exercise" the demons not because I think exercise is the devil....although the thought has crossed my mind. I chose that name because a lot of exercise enthusiasts I know use it for that exact reason. They use it to blow off steam, deal with stress and any number of emotions. Right now I use food. For me to get this weight off once and for all, that has to change so I am hoping that EXERCISE may help to exorcise some of my demons. Certainly it will be one of the tools in my arsenal.

An interesting aside: I am sure many of you remember the Dr. Phil book "Life Strategies" in which he discusses figuring out your "Defining Moments". One of my defining moments happened in Grade 7 at a Junior girls basketball game. When I was younger I was actually quite athletic. I skied, skated, swam, danced, played soccer, basketball and volleyball. I wasn't ever the best on the team but I really enjoyed it. In this instance, we were playing against the Catholic school basketball team when from the sidelines someone started chanting "Earthquake" whenever I ran with the ball. It was one of my bullies who just so happened to be on the Senior girls basketball team that was playing next. I was mortified! I couldn't believe I was being harassed by someone on my own team. After that game, I quit the team. I quit the volleyball team as well. In fact it was the end of me really "trying" at sports of any kind. My enjoyment of the game was far outweighed by my desire to avoid being humiliated like that ever again.

I am a big believer that exercise is only about 20% of the equation when losing weight but I think it is a much bigger percentage when it comes to keeping it off. I truly believe to my core that had I not had that experience so many years ago that I would have stayed playing sports and perhaps my weight wouldn't have gotten so out of control. I can't be sure of this but it just goes to show how a moment in time can have such a lasting and damaging effect.

Yes there is clothing hanging off the treadmill and yes, Aidan is wearing his pjs for a hat.
So it is time to dust off the yoga pants and take the clothes off the treadmill. It is time to push myself just a little more than I am used to and perhaps this time next year, I will be one of those crazy folks jogging in the snow!


  1. Ahhh, the dreaded "E" word. This has been a challenge through my weight loss journey this year. It was hard for me to figure out how to add movement and activity in my life, especially since my body was in so much pain. I could barely walk for more than 5 minutes without my back being in excruciating pain. What helped me was that I didn't think about exercise, I focused on moving my body, in any way, for any amount of time. Even if it was for walking to the market to buy groceries. I put no expectations on myself. I am an all or nothing person, so if I would set a goal of exercising 3 times a week and I failed to do it for a week then the guilt of failure would make me avoid it in the future. So... I started just moving my body. Everyday a bit more. I also thought hard about what kind of "exercise" I actually enjoyed. The gym is just soooo boring to me, it engages my body but not my spirit. I chose swimming, Nia dancing, restorative yoga and a lot of walking! These activities don't feel like exercising to me. And I don't have a schedule for them either, it depends on what I feel I want to do depending on the day or week, my stress level, my time constrains. If I haven't had time to go to any class for a week then I just put my coat on and go for a walk for 20 minutes. I try to not restrict my self in schedules and what "I have to do", it always works against me, the guilt of not sticking to a schedule or missing a class makes me want to eat, lol, so it is counter productive. I just focus on how my body and mind feels and what I can handle for the day. If it is a 20 minute walk doing groceries then that is ok. If I made it to a swim and nia class through the week,that is awesome too! All that matters is keeping my body moving one way or another, every day.

  2. HI Sophia,

    What wise words! Sometimes it is our expectations that end up biting us in the ass. You have been doing so amazing, I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for you as well.
    Move more, move more, move new mantra.
    Thanks doll!

  3. It hasn't been a straight upward line Louise, don't want you to get the wrong idea!! lol but I am ok with that, life gets in the way, that is why I try not to create expectations that might lead to feeling guilty. For the holidays season I am just ecstatic that I didn't gain any weight, which I always did,( lose in the summer, pile up in the winter). So breaking that pattern makes me happy :)

    Love your posts by the way!!
