Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Putting it on: Part one

I have spent a lot of time in my life trying to figure this whole weight thing out, probably too much time.  I always looked at it as my challenge to overcome so I could write my NY Times Bestseller and be on Oprah. Can't blame a girl for dreaming but I have come to peace with the idea that likely is not going to happen (thanks for nothing Oprah!!).

As I said before, I can't remember a time when I wasn't overweight.I am not someone who lives in the past but I do believe you have to understand it to create the future you want. I didn't suffer some large trauma in my childhood that caused me to wrap myself in fat for protection, in fact my childhood was pretty great. There was not one large event that occurred that shaped me. What I have found is that my weight is the result of a variety of factors. Oddly enough, the same factors that will help me take it off.

How does someone become morbidly obese? I HATE that term but that is what I am considered. Ain't that a kick in the junk?!  Well it doesn't happen overnight but it can kind of sneak up on you. 
What I have come to learn is that there are 5 factors that contribute to my issues with weight:
  • FOOD
Within each of those categories I have developed patterns or habits that do not serve me and every area overlaps. For example, my emotions tie into food when I emotionally eat (Thanks Captain Obvious!). But what I have found from really digging deep is there are connections that I didn't make before as well.  The good news? I have a large degree of control over each of these factors which  is important because that is exactly what I need to work on to get this weight off once and for all.
Over the next few posts I am going to be very candid about what led me to be 100+ pounds overweight. It is my story but I have a feeling that many of you reading can relate. The first topic I am going to tackle in tomorrows post is food. Something I have a very strong love/hate relationship with. Until then, thanks for all the support! It means the world to me.

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