Saturday, February 23, 2013


WOW I am having a hard time these past few days. I am so emotional and really lashing out at my husband. I feel like I am on the verge of losing it. It is not a great feeling that is for sure. Poor Jon has no idea why I am being such a biatch and I don't even know. He can't seem to do anything right but I know that I am just focussing on him because I don't understand what is going on with me. I have this nagging pain in my back which got me to thinking I might be suffering from adrenal fatigue. I have been down this road before, don't want to go there again. This is what happened the last time:

At the beginning of 2008 my life changed dramatically. My energy levels which used to be very high, hit rock bottom. I used to be up at 6 AM easily without the alarm but it started to get very difficult for me to get out of bed. When I did, I never felt rested. I couldn't really get my ass in gear until mid morning and then I would crash again mid-afternoon. My emotions were raw and my threshold for handling stress was very thin.  Jon and I were fighting contstantly. I relied on coffee to get me through the day and had INTENSE cravings for sugar. When it really hit home that something was seriously wrong was in April when Jon and I hired a personal trainer.

Our trainer would come at 6 am in the morning and really work us out 2-3 days a week. Some days I would be strong, others I could barely squeeze out 5 pushups before collapsing. But EVERYDAY when he left, instead of being energized, I crawled back into bed and slept for an hour or two. After 6 weeks of training, my body was not releasing fat at all in fact I had put an inch on around my stomach. WTF right???? It was then I realized I was suffering from something called ADRENAL FATIGUE.

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and their responsability in our bodies is to regulate stress by producing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. If you experience prolonged or severe periods of stress, your adrenals can become burned out. This stress can be emotional, physical, or psychological. This means a death in the family, stress at work, an infection in the body, an athlete training too hard, or a divorce can all cause adrenal fatigue. In my case, I had a very bad virus prior to my wedding and then my wedding, plus work stress. The personal training was enough to push things over the edge.

This time around I am not craving sugar too much (I think because I am off gluten) but I seriously cannot get enough coffee!  Yesterday I had 5 cups and was still exhausted. Work has been stressful but not crazy. I am not working out. I honestly don't get why this is happening again but it is time to look into it. I am going to do some research to refresh my memory on Adrenal Fatigue and I will share it with you all tomorrow. If you are carrying a lot of weight in your stomach and you just can't seem to lose it, you might be having adrenal issues. More on this tomorrow and in the meantime, send healing thoughts to my poor husband that I don't kill him before the end of the day!

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