Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 8 Update: You win some, you lose some!

Well it is Monday and you know what that means….weigh-in day! I was prepared for the worst this morning because I have been taking a lot of pain meds for my back which can cause fluid retention. I am glad I was prepared because I was up 1 pound. I am still down 20 overall so not going to sweat it. Physically I am a hot mess! My back has been having little spasms since Thursday and I went for an emergency chiropractic appointment and he confirmed that I am severely out of whack.  This happened the last time I lost weight as well. It seemed as my body was reshaping, my joints and muscles were slow to catch up throwing everything out of alignment. So begins the 3 time weekly chiropractor appointments but if it works, it is worth it!
Some good news to share from last week, Jon and I finally heard back that our insurance was approved!  I was so stressed out about not being insured now that we have Aidan but having been denied for disability insurance before, I was nervous to apply. We started with mortgage insurance so at least if one of us meets our maker (god forbid) that the mortgage would be paid off. It is the easiest to get approval and the least expensive so we thought we would take a shot. SUCCESS! Now to apply for life insurance that won’t cost an arm and a leg.  These are the little things that I am so sick of having to worry or think about.
I am still eating gluten-free 90% of the time with the goal of being 100% gluten free before long. The biggest thing I notice is my lack of cravings. I am shocked that I am not jonesing for bread all the time. I have even noticed that my after-dinner sweet cravings are diminishing. Very pleased about that! I am feeling like this might be a big part of the solution for me to finally gain control over food instead of food controlling me!
I am glad that February is coming to an end this week. A new month always feels like a fresh start (especially when Spring will be greeting us at the end of it). This month has been a struggle and at times  I feel like I am losing steam. I am blessed though because everyone’s encouragement kicks my ass when I can’t kick my own. Thanks for that! I will leave you with a laugh, excuse the F-bomb but sometimes it just seems to fit the occasion!


  1. Love your sense of humour Louise :)

  2. Thanks doll! You have to laugh sometimes otherwise you might snap (like that branch is about to do!)

  3. 20lbs overall!!! Yer rockin it Lou Lou. Luv Unky Ho
