Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Full Moon Rising

Louise this past full moon (and I am only kind of kidding!)


“Must be a full moon …” is a common statement whenever people start to act a little crazy. The idea that a full Moon can drive people mad is an old one.  In fact, I think I heard that the term lunatic came from the word lunaticus (which means moonstruck).

Talk to any emergency room nurse or cop and they will attest that the full moon creates chaos. Cases of suicide, arson, and violent crime increase, people suffer from seizures, patients in psychiatric hospitals act out more, and there are more traffic accidents. At least this is the perception but studies have failed to make the connection.

Personally I do notice people act a little more erratically when there is a full moon. Our customer service line is hopping with people asking the strangest questions and everyone seems on edge. This past Monday was a full moon and sure enough, weird stuff was going down. I joined the ranks of CRAZY myself. I was feeling like a bitch on wheels, even to the point of wanting to physically strike out at poor Jon (POOR Jon, I am waiting for one of my readers to move him into a shelter for abused men). Today I am feeling much more civilized thank goodness! So I don’t know if there is any truth to the whole full moon thing but I sure felt it this time around.  I am curious if anyone else has an opinion one way or the other about it. If so, please share J

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