Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 6 Update: SOOOOO Close!

Wow what a great weigh-in this morning, I am down 5.5 pounds this week! This brings my grand total to 19.7 pounds in 6 weeks. Just shy of 20 pounds and hitting my first target! I am sure I will be there next week and then I will take a set of follow up photos. Even better than the weight loss, I am feeling fantastic eating gluten-free. I had decided before the weigh-in that even if I was up on the scale I would continue eating this way. My joints feel better, my skin looks great and I am not craving sweets like before. I would even say I might be getting my mojo back! TMI? You know me, there is no such thing!
I am continuing on my liver detox and feel good on that as well. My father had mentioned to me an article he had come across mentioning NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) as being as good as Metformin for treating PCOS. Sure enough there is NAC in my liver cleanse, will be interesting to see if I notice any change in my hormonal symptoms. I feel very much in tune with my body these days and am trying to listen to the whispers before the beast starts yelling at me again.
I have had a few questions about what I am eating if I am not eating wheat. First thing I have to stress is that I am not replacing bread and pasta with gluten-free alternatives for the most part. A lot of the refined rice, potato and corn flours used in these products cause major blood sugar surges. Not good for weight loss or the body in general. Instead I have been eating a lot of protein, some rice, rice cakes (but always with something higher fat on them to control the release in the body), sweet potatoes, eggs, greek yogurt, etc. For example, I might have a couple rice cakes with PB and apple or banana on them or the other day I had a rice cake with ham and a slice of Havarti. It is not a sandwich, rather a vehicle for sandwich fillings J
One of the best things I made last week which lasted me for 2 lunches and dinner for Jon and I was a big mix of extra lean ground beef with spinach, cabbage (I used a bag of coleslaw mix), onion, garlic, red peppers and mushrooms. I cooked it all up and then put half a bottle of pasta sauce and some spices in it. We had it with crumbled goat cheese. Doesn’t sound too good as I type it out here but it was delish and one of those meals that gets better the longer it sits in the fridge. The key I found to success with this was making sure I had lots of options available when I was feeling hungry or wanting a snack. Pre-planning is key and something I need to work on all the time (as I blogged about early last week).
This week I am just going to do more of the same and try to focus on stressing less (last week was a biatch!). I am feeling optimistic about a great week ahead. Thanks again for all of the support. I love to hear your successes so please feel free to share!

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