Friday, January 4, 2013

Cleansing: Your Questions Answered

Wow, I have had so many questions come in to me about cleansing over the past few days. I am going to answer them here since it seems the same questions keep coming up so maybe more of you are wondering the same things.

1)      What should I eat and drink while I am doing a cleanse?

Ideally we should be eating really “clean” while cleansing. This means lots of fruits and veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, good fats and very little else. No white carbs, processed foods, coffee, booze or fast food but this is not a reality for everyone. A cleanse is a great way to kick start a healthier lifestyle so even if you are not there yet, it can get you moving in the right direction. Renew Life cleanses are designed to work regardless of diet or lifestyle choices which is one of the reasons I love them so much. They meet you where you are at.


One thing you really need to do is ensure you are drinking enough water. I aim for 3 liters a day which is a lot but not for my size. They say half your body weight in ounces is a good guideline. If I did that I would float away! Just aim to drink more than you do now. It makes sure that the toxins are being flushed through your system and helps to lessen some of the side effects of detoxifying.


2)      Do I need to take anything else when I am doing a herbal cleanse and can I continue to take my multivitamins?

You can definitely continue to take your other supplements. The one thing we always recommend people consume when cleansing is fibre. Fibre is like a sponge that absorbs toxins as you release them. If you eat a very healthy diet, you MAY be getting enough fibre in your foods but this is not normally the case. There are a ton of different fibre options out there, some are better than others. We sell 3 different products that you can find in the health food store. My favorite is Organic Clear Fibre because it has no flavor and mixes clear in water. I also add it to my smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal etc. It is included with the Rapid Cleanse kit that I am doing. If you are a little short on cash, pick up milled flaxseed. It is about $7.00 a bag and works great.

Unless you drink a ton of water, stay away for psyllium fibre (the fibre found in Metamucil). It can be hard on the bowel and constipating.

3)      I am prone to diarrhea, can I still cleanse?

Yes you can but you may need to take it a little more gently.  The exception to this is if your diarrhea is caused by inflammatory bowel disease like Crohns or Colitis. If you have a disorder of the bowel then you should probably not do a colon cleanse unless under supervision of a Naturopathic doctor.  If you tend towards a looser bowel, start with First Cleanse. It focusses more on the other detoxifying organs (liver, kidneys, skin, blood, lungs, and lymphatic system) with a very gentle bowel component. It is only 15 days but if you feel like you are getting results, you can stay on it longer.

4)      Is this going to suck?

LOL this was actually a message someone sent me and the answer is IT CAN but only for a week or so. When you start cleansing you can get a few unpleasant symptoms but they usually go away within the first 3-5 days. Headaches, muscle aches, fatigue and skin breakouts are the most common. I have had a headache for 3 days straight. Not debilitating, just kind of there in the background. It is just telling me that sure enough, I am toxic. Some people are lucky and have no symptoms. Cleansing is a different experience for everyone. If you are still getting headaches after the first week, increase your water and go get a fibre supplement to take.

The good news is that most people feel much more energetic after about 2 weeks. I know I notice that energy boost at about day 9 and I also notice that my skin glows by the end of the cleanse. My joints hurt less, my eyes are brighter and I just feel healthier overall. There are so many benefits besides weight loss.

Just a few other tips to help your body detoxify:

·         SWEAT. If you have access to a sauna, get in there and sweat. Of course exercise works as well but not nearly as relaxing J Sweating is a great way to release toxins through your biggest organ….your skin.

·         Drink warm lemon water upon waking. Squeeze fresh lemon into some warm water and drink it first thing in the morning. It is like a wake me up for your liver.

·         Get enough sleep. Just do it! It’s good for you dammit.

·         Try to eat leafy greens every day. Greens are very detoxifying and alkalizing. The deeper green the better. I add them to my smoothies but if you are a salad person have at it. Just make sure you stay away from iceberg and really processed dressings. Experiment with different lettuces, throw in some spinach or kale, add brightly colored veggies and fruit (red cabbage, yellow peppers, purple onions, carrots etc) and dress with olive oil and vinegar. Your salad should look like a rainbow on your plate.  

Good luck for everyone who has decided to start detoxifying their body. Cleansing is one of the most rewarding things you can do for your health and your waist line! I will share my experiences every 7 days as I go through my 6 weeks of Rapid Cleanse.



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