Thursday, January 17, 2013

Falling Down

EVERY time I get on a health kick it seems something comes up to try to test me. This is not me feeling sorry for myself; it is just the way it seems to be. I thought this time might be different but sadly, no.
I have bad knees. No fault of their own, it is from hauling around my larger than life body for all these years. I haven’t consistently exercised in ages and on the weekend I was marveling at how wonderful my knees were holding up with my daily walks. I shouldn’t have thought it and definitely shouldn’t have said it out loud because Tuesday I ended up rolling over on my ankle and hurting my knee.  CURSES! Now usually I wouldn’t have been too upset about an excuse not to exercise but this really  threw me into a funk. Last night I felt completely overwhelmed and a little distraught. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what the issue was. I was honest with my husband and told him “I REALLY want to eat right now!” I was craving that familiar comfort. He suggested instead that I go to bed early and let him take care of getting the baby down to sleep. I am very blessed.
So I took an Aleve for my sore knee and crawled into bed by 8 pm. I was still feeling raw but thankfully I was also feeling exhausted so it wasn’t long till I passed out. I woke up this morning at 6 AM and my knee was feeling a little better. I got my walking clothes on and decided that even if I just took the dog around the block it was better than nothing. I stepped out into the cold air, focused on getting my gloves on, and promptly fell off our front step. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!  What I wanted to do was sit there on the ground and cry. What I did was get up and start walking around the block like I had intended to do. A little more gimpy than usual but I did it.
Now my knees are killing me but at least I know that when I fell down, I got right back up.  My first big “fall” and I survived. Isn’t this what any journey is about? Getting back up? I may have to alter my course a bit until I am feeling better but I will still move in the direction of my goals.
Okay UNIVERSE, lesson learned! Maybe next time you don't have to send me falling ass over teakettle?
Please and Thank You :)