Sunday, January 13, 2013

THIN Thinking: The Follow Up

A week ago I wrote a post about the difference between how thin people and overweight people think about food. It has been one of my most read blog posts so far and I have received lots of messages about it. I said that for the next week I would watch all the skinny folk in my life to see what decisions they made on a consistent basis that helped keep them that way. I also said I would report back today and that is exactly what I am going to do but first I wanted to share an email I received within 10 minutes of posting my post last week. It was from a dear friend of mine who I am sure won't mind me passing on the gist of what she said.

She started by thanking me for writing the post because she hates it when people say "You are so lucky to be thin!" because she works her ass off to be that way. Now I can't imagine hating it if anyone said I was thin but I totally get where she is coming from. She isn't lucky to be that way. It isn't a fluke. She is thin because she works at it. When someone says she is lucky to be that way, it belittles all of the effort she puts in. I can't imagine if in a year, when I am 100 pound lighter, someone says to me "Well all you had to do was eat less!". That statement, while partially true, would diminish all of the other work I had to do to get there. So it is true that she is BLESSED to be thin but it is not luck. I will never say that to anyone again.

She then went on to state that her and her husband are those skinny hotel gym-using psychos I mentioned in my post. She said it is not easy but in the morning they make sure they go to the gym first. Even when the buffet breakfast is calling, they get in a workout so that they can enjoy the rest of the day. She said something that resonated with me as well. She said "We know we will feel better afterwards". I am kind of starting to get that. I always feel better after I get my walk in but if I don't do it first thing, it might not get done. She also said that they enjoy having some drinks in the afternoon but only allow themselves one or two fruity/slushy drinks and then it is on to lower sugar options. Smart cookie! The interesting thing I found is that she said that they actually discuss these things before their trip and make a promise to themselves. They make a plan and they stick to it. The only thing my husband and I discuss before vacation is which credit card to use, what to do with the dog and where to eat first! Hers is a perfect example of THIN THINKING and I thank her for sharing with me.

On to my discoveries for the week. I work in the natural health field and with lots of very healthy people. I decided to really pay attention to what was going on around me this week and what I found was interesting. It was interesting because the people were different but the habits were the same. Very enlightening. Here goes:

  1. They eat breakfast and a healthy one at that.  No Tim Hortons brekkie here. We are talking sprouted grain english muffins with almond butter, multigrain hot cereal with chia seeds, hard boiled eggs and fruit. This I know because a lot of my coworkers don't eat until they arrive at the office and my office is right across from the lunch room (which made my sneaking around extra easy).
  2. They snack....a lot. I work with one beautiful gal who I swear doesn't stop eating. She has breakfast, then a boiled egg, then a protein shake, and on and on. She comes to work with a lunch bag the size of a suitcase and keeps herself nourished all day.
  3. They bring their own lunch. I would say that most of the healthy folk either go home for lunch or bring it with them. They may go out for lunch once a week but even then, it is not to McDicks. It is to Whole Foods for hummus and salad. If I am not watching my weight, I am eating out at lunch. I can almost guarantee it. Well not anymore. I can't afford it in more ways than one!
  4. They drink tea. Now, I don't drink that stuff they call coffee at the office but I do drink coffee all day AT the office. I bring it with me in the morning and I usually bring some more with me after lunch. Last week I watched and while people may start their day with a cup of joe, the rest of the day they had teabags floating around in their mugs. This is a habit I am going to try to adopt. Gone are the days where I drink so much coffee that I could percolate it myself!
  5. They go for walks on their breaks. Not everyone but a few of the ladies I work with go for a walk on their lunch break. I am sure you feel much better after getting the blood flowing and some nice fresh air.
  6. They eat when they are hungry, not just to the clock. One coworker in particular was having a really late lunch and I commented on it. She said "I just wasn't hungry until now and I like to eat when my body tells me to eat". Now if I waited till my body told me to eat, I would make a bad decision. If I am hungry I reach for whatever I can get my hands on. But she was taking her time and putting together a beautiful salad with salmon for herself. To me that is being in tune with your body.
  7. They eat natural foods. You can open the fridge in our office and you would be hard pressed to find any processed crap. In fact it is so full of food, you would be hard pressed to find anything you are looking for. They eat REAL food and for the most part it looks really good!
So there it is. I hope they don't mind me sharing all of their secrets but I know I learned a lot. I suggest that if you are trying to reform your habits and begin thinking a little thinner that you also pay attention to those around you. Pick a person to be your mentor. They don't even need to know that you are following their lead. Just watch, learn and then take action. Little changes can make a big difference. You know, I think I am finally getting this THIN THINKING through my thick head!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea and awesome post! It really makes you think.
