Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The F Word

Yes I have been known to say it once or twice (in the last hour!) but I am actually talking about another 4 letter F word.....FOOD. I have been getting so many requests for my daily food log or at least examples of what I am eating so that is what today's post is about.

**DISCLAIMER: The food I am about to list is what I have been eating but not necessarily what I would recommend as a Nutritionist! This first month on Weight Watchers I am focused on eating within my daily points and following the program. Once I get that under my belt I will refocus my efforts on making sure I get a good nutritional bang for my points buck.

I will break it down to what I normally eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks since I eat a lot of the same things every day.

  • Probably 4 mornings out of 7 I have a green smoothie. This is just a pile of greens (spinach and kale mostly) blended with carrots, cucumber, an apple, another piece of fruit like a pear, and the juice of a lemon.
  • If I am not having my smoothie I always have a piece of fruit.
  • On top of my smoothie or fruit, I almost always have an egg on a Dempsters multi grain thin bun with laughing cow cheese wedge and tomato slices. This holds me over until lunch.
Morning Snack
  • Coffee baby!!!
  • This is an area I definitely plan on improving upon nutritionally. These days I usually have a Smart One's microwave dinner if I go home for lunch.
  • If I take my lunch to work it is either a pb and apple sandwich on a dempster thin bun, leftovers or rice crackers with bean dip or hummus. Along with this I have yogurt and maybe a piece of fruit.
  • If I have to grab my lunch out then lately it has been a cheddar cheese bagel with light cream cheese from Timmies (lowest point bagel oddly enough) or a sugar free latte and grilled chicken wrap from McDonalds.
Afternoon Snack
  • I find I need an afternoon snack ever since I started working in an office. Maybe it is because I take lunch so early? I am not sure. If I don't have something I am a raging wench by the time I get home because my blood sugar is so low.
  • Usually I have an apple and a small portion of cheese, a handful of almonds or a bag of Pop Chips (if you haven't tried these, they are delish! Only 2 points per bag and gluten free).
  • This is harder for me to pinpoint because it changes all the time. Tonight we are having crockpot fajitas (an experiment) and tomorrow thai beef stew (another experiment). I try to make a few larger dishes that will last us a few meals or at least a big meal and then lunch the next day. This could be a casserole, pasta dish, soup. Whatever it is I can guarentee it has tons of veggies. I am the queen of getting vegetables into everything. I grate zucchinni and carrots into chili, boil brocolli with my pasta, wilt spinach into stirfrys, put mashed squash or pumpkin into stews and soups to thicken them. I am super stealthy! We have also been known to do "breakfast for dinner" or zap a Smart One's Pizza.
  • I have the bad habit of needing something sweet after dinner, a habit I hope to break in coming months. We tend to have a low point treat like Chapmans frozen yogurt bars or Dairy Milk Thin bars on hand. At least they are portion controlled but definately not a good thing to have daily. My boss once said "It isn't a treat if you have it every day!!", she is right!
Evening Snack
  • If I am hungry after dinner I tend to have a piece of fruit. Last week I enjoyed a pomegranite over a few nights and loved it! It took awhile to eat and satisfied my sweet craving so I will be doing that again.
So not horrible I guess, I am at least getting lots of fruits and vegetables into me every day. My goal is to get to the point where processed foods are an absolute rarity. I also want to wean myself off so much wheat simply because I feel much better when I am not on it. There it is folks. Would love to hear what you eat especially for lunches! I struggle with what to eat at lunch especially if I am bringing it to work with me. Feel free to share your secrets! Thanks :)


  1. Excellent post Louise, I love taking this journey with you. You are such an inspiration. You are undertaking a huge life makeover and you are taking the world on the journey with you! Embrace your awesomeness :)

  2. Thanks Sandy! I need to remember that saying "Embrace Your Awesomeness" as it is good advice! Hugs to you!

  3. I have to lose weight for my blood pressure and I have been trying for sometime, so your tips and following your blog will be helpful for me. Thanks for sharing .
