Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 4 Update: A step in the right direction!

Why do I get so nervous before these damn weigh-ins? I know I did all the right things this week but I was really dreading stepping on the scale this AM. Thankfully it was positive; I am down another 2.5 pounds. That makes a total of 15 pounds since I started this journey January 1st.  I am so pleased!
 This week was one of those weeks were I was hungry ALL the time. My friend PMS is in the house so I think that is a big part of it. I get so down on myself when this happens “Why are you hungry???!!! You JUST ate!” so this week’s theme is going to be SELF LOVE J
For anyone who is following along and doing the emotional/mental work with me (writing your goals, visualizing, making your mission statement) I did something I thought I would share. I have taken my mission that I wrote last week and put it at the top of a blank word document on my computer. I then printed a pile of these sheets and this is what I am going to write my goals on every day.  I write them morning and before bed so each time will be an opportunity to re-read my mission and reinforce the “WHY” of what I am doing here. SELF LOVE baby!
In the food department I wanted to share an easy and delish recipe I made last night. I bought a big-ass jug of “Garden Fresh Salsa” at Costco and some chicken breasts which I had divided up to freeze.  In my slowcooker I put in 3 frozen chicken breasts, about 2 cups of the salsa and cooked on low for 6 hours. At 6 hours I added a cup of corn kernels and about 3 cups of finely chopped baby bok choy (any green would do, I think Kale would be awesome). It cooked with the salsa for another hour and then I served it all over rice. It was really tasty and nutritious! Next time I will add grated zucchini and carrot to up the veggie count even more.
On the cleansing front, I am switching gears a bit. I have just finished doing Rapid Cleanse for 4 weeks and have felt great. That is a total body cleanse, I am going to switch now to a liver cleanse. I feel like my bowel is cleansed enough and time to focus on the most important organ of detoxification, the liver. I had originally planned on doing Rapid Cleanse for 6 weeks but my body is telling me 4 are enough. I am trying to listen to that little voice inside even if it means a change in plans. Part of long-term success is being flexible in your approach. So I am still cleansing, just cleansing one organ instead of all of them J
I know a lot of you are on your own journeys. I would love to hear about your successes and challenges.
Remember….one week, one day, one meal and ONE POUND at a time J

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