Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 3 Update: Son of a......

Well, that weigh-in sucked! I was down 0.1 pounds….seriously? I could have cried. I ate within my points every day and didn’t even use my weekly points yet. I drank my water. I tracked. I did what I was supposed to do and what did I get in return? 0.1 pounds!!! Ok rant over. It is life and some weeks will be better than others. Of course being the over-analyzer I am, I can’t just leave it at “You win some, you lose some!” Instead I am going to look at my week and see what might be going on. A few things could contribute:

1.       PMS….the 3 letters that all those dear to me dread so much! My periods are so out of whack that I can never tell when it is coming but it might be around the corner.

2.       I hurt my knee so I haven’t been able to walk since Wednesday morning. That said, I have lost weight effectively before without exercising so I am not convinced this is the issue.

3.       I have been taking anti-inflammatories for my knee and my WW leader said they lead to water retention. This makes sense.

4.       Too much sodium. I did make a few curries this week with stock in the recipe and Jon and I shared some salty popcorn yesterday so this could be partially to blame. However I could get my wedding rings on this morning and usually if I have had too much salt, they give me a run for my money.

5.       I didn’t take any fibre with my cleansing kit this week as an experiment, an experiment that might have bitten me in the ass! I wanted to see the severity of my detox symptoms if I didn’t have fibre in my system to bind the toxins as they were released. Sure enough I did get a mild headache, some achy joints in my hands and some acne on my face. Perhaps my body rebelled and held onto water and fat to dilute the toxins I released. This is just a theory but one thing for sure; I am starting back on my fibre today!

My natural tendency would be to start changing things since I had two weeks with low numbers at the scale but I am going to just stay the course and follow the program as it is laid out. I feel good, I don’t feel deprived and I know if I am just consistent, my body will catch up. Thanks for letting me vent. Hopefully next week I will be celebrating with you all instead!

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